Battle of Naqra (632 AD)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Battle of Naqra was fought by muslims of Rashidun Caliphate against the rebels of Bani Sulaim during his camapaign against the apostasy.

Date: October 632 AD
Location: Naqra, Arabia
Rashidun Leader: Khalid bin Al-Waleed
Bani Sulaim Leader: Amr bin Abdul Uzza (Abu Shajara) (POW)

Bani Sulaim tribe did not learn from the defeat of Tulaiha and remained defiant and rebellious. Bani Sulaim decided to resist against Islam under the banner of the tribal chief named Amr bin Abdul Uzza (Abu Shajara). He was a poet and composed following lines to boost the morale of his men.
My spear shall play havoc
With the regiments of Khalid.
And I trust thereafter
It shall also crush Umar

Bani Sulaim before the rebellion had served under the command of Khalid bin Al-Waleed in conquest of Makkah, battle of Hunain and seige of Taif. Now they had apostatised and deserved no mercy from Khalid.

Khalid bin Waleed and Abu Shajara formed up the armies at Naqra and a sharp clash begin. Bani Sulaim gave a stubborn resistance but soon broke up and were routed by the army of Khalid bin Al-Waleed. While most were slaughtered and some managed to flee, their leader Abu Shajara was taken prisoner.

Abu Shajara pleaded mercy from the caliph and was forgiven. Khalid marched off for his next objective towards Zafar to punish the next stronghold of rebels.

A.I. Akram, The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns Lahore, 1969


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