Battle of Ghamra (632 AD)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Battle of Ghamra took place between muslims of Rashidun caliphate and the remaining army of Bani Fazara and Bani Asad that was defeated in the battle of Buzakha.

Date: 3rd week of September, 632 (late Jamadi-ul-Akhir, 11 Hijri)
Location: Ghamra, 60 miles away from Buzakha, Arabia
Apostate Leader: Uyaina (POW)
Rashidun Leader: Khalid bin Al-Waleed
Result: Rashidun victory

Muslims had started a successful campaign against the rebellion that spread across the Arabia after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Tulaiha's army was scattered at the battle of Ghamra. Several columns were sent after the fleeing rebels. One column caught several apostates at 20 miles away from Ghamra at Ruman. They submitted without a fight.

The Battle
Uyaina's group was pursued by Khalid bin Waleed himself and caught up at Ghamra 60 miles away. Uyaina was a proud son of a tribal chieftain and gave stiff resistance. A sharp clash took place and Uyaina was taken prisoner. Some of the apostates were killed in action while some managed to flee.

Uyaina pleaded pardon in front of Abu Bakr and vowed to remain loyal to Islam for rest of his life. He was pardoned and lived in peace with his tribe.
Khalid bin Waleed had successfully achieved the first goals of campaign and set off for Naqra for his next objective.

A.I. Akram, The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns Lahore, 1969


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