Battle of Zafar (632 AD)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The battle of Zafar was fought by Rashidun muslims against the apostate rebels during the anti-apostasy campaign of Rashidun caliphate.

Date: Late October 632 AD (Late Rajab, 11 AH)
Location: Zafar, Ha'il, Saudi Arabia
Rashidun Leaders: Khalid ibn al-Walid
Apostate Leaders: Salma a.k.a Umm Zhiml (KIA)
Rashidun Losses: Negligible
Apostate Losses: Heavy
Result: Rashidun Victory

After the action against the Bani Sulaim at Naqra, Khalid stayed at Buzakha for three weeks, receiving the submission of the tribes and punishing the murderers. His next objective was Zafar which was ruled by a tribal mistress from Bani Ghatfan who was known as Salma or Umm Zhiml. Salma was from a royal family and her mother Umm Qirfa, her father Malik bin Hudaifa and her cousin Uyaina were all tribal chieftans. After the death of her parents she rose in stature, inherited their authority and also a splendid camel which was the symbol of her stature. Salma had become a main leader of the rebellion against Islam and posed a serious threat to the authority of Islam.

The battle
Khalid arrived at Zafar where Salma was waiting for the battle. The battle begin with a fierce clash in which muslims were able to drive back the wings but center stood firm. Salma was directly commanding the army in the battlefield from her camel in the center of army surrounded by hundreds of loyal guards. Soon Khalid realized that without denting the morale of the enemy it might prove a costly engagement. Salma had to be killed to assert a psychological blow on the enemy. Khalid picked a group of warriors and sallied through the enemy ranks towards Salma. After some vicious fighting he was able to get close enough. The royal camel was down after a few slashes and with it the tribal mistress. With the death of Salma all the resistance collapsed and the apostates began to flee in all directions. Hundreds of apostates were slain in this battle. Muslim losses were minimal but this was first serious resistance any enemy had given to Khalid in his campaigns of anti-apostasy.

Khalid rested his men for a few days and then marched on towards Butah. His next objective was the subjugation of Malik bin Nuwairah's Bani Yarbu.


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